
Employee Voices

Pia Spängler
Your dream home is my mission – with personality and expertise by your side!
Pia Spängler, LL.M.
Lukas Hausleitner
Living in the perfect home is like a vacation that never ends.
Lukas Hausleitner
Mag. Eva Bamberger
I love creating a home for people, because having a home is a wonderful feeling.
Eva Bamberger, M.Sc. (Econ)
Ricardo Winter
Every property has a story – our job is to tell this story.
Ricardo Winter
Real estate is my passion, your trust is my goal!
Pascal Kofler
Patric Edelmann
"I am passionate about supporting people through one of the most important steps in their lives and making their dream home a reality together."
Patric Edlmann